About Us

MSDN & Associates (FRN - 112479 W) (earlier known as Gavaskar Doshi & Company) was established in Pune in 1992 as a partnership firm. Further, in 2012, firm took over two proprietary concerns, which were in practice since 1990. Now, the number of partners has gone up to Four. The core areas of practice have been compliance of Accounting Standards, Tax laws and Corporate laws.

The work culture of the firm is based on the principle of commitment to client objectives without compromising the mandatory compliances. We service our clients with loyalty, professional ethics and professional integrity. We believe in providing practical solutions and thereby enhancing value for our clients.

We had catered to a wide mix of clientele. Our clients have shown faith in our ability by entrusting us a wide range of assignments. Our client base comprises of few listed Companies, as well as unlisted Public / Private companies including foreign subsidiaries engaged in the field of manufacturing, real estates, construction, trading and software. We provide services to clients not only in the state of Maharashtra but also in the states of Himachal Pradesh, Chattisgarh. We, along with our associates, undertakes a complete job of outsourcing of Accounts and Finance Department.

At present, we have four offices: Head Office and two branches in Pune and one at Karjat to serve clients located in Mumbai region. We have a man power of around 45 which includes qualified chartered accountants, cost accountant apart from semi qualified staff.

- Four Chartered Accountants
- Two Company Secretaries
- One Cost Accountant
- Three System Auditors

We have associated with Madhukar Hiregange and Associates , a renowned firm in the field of Indirect Taxes having presence in the state of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

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